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Stories under tag : Parenting (3)

12 December, 2016 - Motherhood

The Road of Single Parenting

I questioned God, "How can I raise them alone?" right on the first day of my grieving journey. I mourned not only for the death of my beloved husband but also for my children's days ahead. I was drained to empty and had nothing left to offer. I was clueless and did not know what to do. I bargained, plead, and asked God to somehow give me a vision of the days ahead.

The . . . . .

12 December, 2016 - Motherhood

Not a Super Mom

I tried to be one
I thought I had to be one
It was exhausting
Losing my mind
Losing my joy

12 December, 2016 - Healing

Alone but not Lonely

a·lone /əˈlōn/
having no one else present, on one's own

lone·ly /ˈlōnlÄ“/
without companions, isolated, forsaken, abandoned, rejected, unloved

< . . . . .

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