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Stories under tag : Faith (22)

11 May, 2021 - Life

When You Feel Nothing

“When things don't go the way you want them to,
sometimes instead of feeling disappointment or heartache,
you just become numb.” 

― April Mae Monterrosa

The day I lost my husband, I cried myself to everything.
I cried and cried and cried until . . . . .

12 December, 2016 - Healing

Walking Through the Valley

In my earlier years as a Christian, when a challenge hit my life, I find myself saying, “Lord, why is this happening to me?” However, as years progressed and I learned to behold more of Jesus through His Word, I find myself saying, “Lord, this battle belongs to You”, whenever a crisis or a challenge face me.

David wrote, “Even when I walk&n . . . . .

12 December, 2016 - Healing

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Melissa Breyer, an author for “Healthy Living”, shares what happens physiologically and psychologically when a person laughs. Here are just a few things it does:

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood

12 December, 2016 - Life

You are Invincible

When I say “You are invincible!” What comes to your mind? The Webster dictionary defines invincible as “incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued.” Being invincible means that the issues and struggles of life; pain and disappointments and failures of life cannot conquer you nor overtake you.

We are hedged in (pressed) on every side [troubled and oppressed in every way], but not cramped or crushed; we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed& . . . . .

12 December, 2016 - Purpose

3 Things I learned about Following God’s Calling

Choosing a life that follows God’s calling isn’t an easy path. It is perhaps one of the most difficult paths you can choose to take in life. But, on the other side of it, this is the most rewarding, fulfilling and joyful adventure you can ever choose for your life to take course. I have made that decision since a few years back, and here are 3 biggest things I’ve learned throughout my journey:

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