Not a Super Mom
I tried to be one
I thought I had to be one
It was exhausting
Losing my mind
Losing my joy
Overwhelmed I was
I wanted to be one
But then I asked "why do I have to be one?"
Dragging myself daily to juggle things beyond my capability
No longer able to put up a face
Then a light went on
The day I decided "I had enough of this game"
Do I need to be one?
As I finally realized who I am in the eyes of my Father
His grace is full and enough, no convincing needed
Taking one task at a time
Taking one risk at a time
To see Him greater than myself
I am a special mom
With a specific mission on earth
Free to be a woman He created me to be
Giving my best and His unending grace
I am enough to be one special mom
Forget the super mom
So, let me just be a mom
Who loves unconditionally
Who sees the best in others
Who gives my all
Who lives wholeheartedly
Whose joy doesn't depend on circumstances
Embracing chaotic morning
Laughing at mistakes
Letting go of control
Loving flaws
Walking in vulnerability
Are now some of my favorite things
I am not a super mom
You are not a super mom
No body asks you to be one
So, here is a permission
Give yourself enough grace and a big pat in the back
'cause You are a special mom
Moms, you are precious.
This is an invitation to be who you are and never measure yourself against anything but the woman who God created you to be. I am honoring you today.