In my earlier years as a Christian, when a challenge hit my life, I find myself saying, “Lord, why is this happening to me?” However, as years progressed and I learned to behold more of Jesus through His Word, I find myself saying, “Lord, this battle belongs to You”, whenever a crisis or a challenge face me.
David wrote, “Even when I walk&n . . . . .
12 December, 2016 - Healing
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Melissa Breyer, an author for “Healthy Living”, shares what happens physiologically and psychologically when a person laughs. Here are just a few things it does:
Lowers blood pressure
Increases vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood
12 December, 2016 - Life
Breathe on Us
Have you ever been in a situation where it's too complicated to understand, too much to handle, too overwhelming to carry on? Where the pressure is real, the expectation is high, the deadlines are near. It seems like the weight of the world is on your shoulder. Your heart is beating fast, your breath is getting shorter "Something has to be done, yet I don't know what to do"
12 December, 2016 - Healing
When You Have Enough to Crawl
Those days are still crystal clear in my mind. The days when I wished the earth could pause for a little bit. “Wait, let me catch a breath, is this for real?” Everything seemed so surreal. My husband just died and everything else crumbled before my eyes.
Waking up before sunrise every morning, I wished I could go back to sleep and sleep for a lo . . . . .
12 December, 2016 - Healing
Alone but not Lonely
a·lone /əˈlÅn/ having no one else present, on one's own
lone·ly /ˈlÅnlÄ“/ without companions, isolated, forsaken, abandoned, rejected, unloved