Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
I have been living in a country where they impose death penalty and recently, this nation has been making the world news' headlines as they prepared to execute foreigners who broke the law of their land. One woman's case was somewhat irresolute though she still faced the death penalty. On tv we could see that coffins had been prepared for the lawbreakers which already had their names on them, including hers. Lawyers tried all they could to intervene for their clients. It was such a highly publicized time by lobbying organizations, on top of the emotional convicts' families bidding their last goodbyes. In the nick of time, something unexpected happened. The last minute reprieve from the government a few hours before their execution was an answered prayer for the woman. She was the only spared.
I cannot imagine how it was like to be in her shoes. Seeing your coffin, saying your last farewells to your loved ones, being overwhelmed by feelings of guilt and shame, hearing the executioners' guns being prepared to fire, then suddenly you are pulled out of the death line. In an interview, she said it is like being granted a second chance, a new life.
There is a judgment day when all of us have to stand before the throne of God. When we receive new life in Christ, it is as if we didn't sin at all. Jesus has taken our place on death row and instead of being punished and executed for the many laws humanity breaks, the Father declares us, "Pardoned." The Bible says if you break one law, you break it all. There is no way to keep all laws to the dot all the time. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. There are no special lawyers, intercessors, no other mediators. Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father except through Him."
In Christ, mercy triumphs over judgment. We can experience the full blast powerful mercy of God the moment we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. What a breath of fresh air to know that He can right our wrongs. Whatever mistakes in the past that typically cannot be undone, our God can change and turn our situations around for His glory. To be assured by our Lord's great love is to receive His forgiveness. To receive His forgiveness is to be consumed by His amazing grace. To be consumed by His grace means He does it all for us. Only He can make things new. Every sunrise marks a fresh beginning with our Faithful Father. With overwhelming things to be done and the many broken pieces of our hearts, you may ask,"How on earth do I begin to pick my life up?" Begin with the knowledge of what Jesus offers you: God's great love, His unfailing mercy and an unbroken vow of His faithfulness to see you through.
Mercy triumphs over judgment