Grace Eternal
But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. -Romans 5:20
The song "Amazing Grace" carries an ever increasing anointing throughout the years. It was a poem penned in 1772 by former slave trader John Newton, and was a published hymnal in 1779. Before the turn of the century, the song increased in popularity in England and eventually in the United States. Frequently associated with the Second Great Awakening, it is said that this song is sung over a million times every year. It is not just popular in the history of slave emancipation, but stretches beyond pop stars and folk song artists. This song has reached global renown as it has been translated in different languages and is still being translated and sung worldwide.
John Newton, like we all were, saw himself as a sinner unworthy of God's goodness. In the slave trade, a slave bought to be freed was unheard of! It was ridiculous!
John knew he was underserving of pardon and he knew he was a slave to sin. Yet the Bible says Jesus laid down His life for us, even while we were sinners. Confronted by the amazing grace of God, Newton began his journey in righteous living for Jesus. He was gripped by the extravagant love of God for him. Newton repented and finally experienced freedom like never before. He no longer had to live like a slave to sin. His experience caused him to write about his Redeemer. He must have never imagined the ripple effect of what he wrote would carry on through out the centuries!
Jesus' blood became our ransom, payment for all our sins. The Shepherd laid down His life as sacrifice to save the sheep. He does not want us bound in shackles. Justice may cry out for the punishment of our sins yet Jesus' powerful blood declares us clean and free! The power of His blood carries the same anointing until today and it still will all throughout the centuries, into eternity.
Newton, and like all of us, should've gotten what we deserve: punishment & death. But the grace of God gives us what we don't deserve: mercy & eternal pardon.
The chains of sin and death has been broken off of our necks on Calvary. Whatever sin you committed in the past, or sin that you are trying to overcome right now, the cross declares you are no longer a slave of it. You are now Blood-bought.
Allow the Lord Jesus to take those "shackles" off of your feet. Whatever seems impossible for you to overcome, He has overcome. Today, enjoy real freedom in Christ Jesus.
"My chains are gone, I've been set free.
My God, my Savior has ransomed me.
And like a flood, His mercy rains.
Unending love. Amazing grace."